

Welcome to the new fan Poems and Song section of If you love writing meaningful poetry about your favorite game series, but have no place to put it up for the world to see, then you are in the right place. Write up a limerick, a haiku, or anything else that you can think of and send it in. You can be as serious or as goofy as you want, just make sure to put in a little effort.

If you have a new poem or song contribution to make, be sure it adheres to the guidelines first. We can't guarantee that your poem will make it into our archives if you don't pay attention to the guidelines! Please use this form to submit your works, and make sure you send it to "Poems and Songs".

Note: We no longer accept files in the .doc format. Please convert it to .rtf before submitting it, or better yet, make an HTML file.

If you'd like to get a little feedback on your work, feel free to post it in the Writing Forum.

Poems and Songs Archives:

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  > 

To search archives by game, please use the links in the topbar.

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SELECT SubmitID, sub.SubmitterName AS SubmitterName, Title AS Title, URL, FileName, sub.Content AS Content, Timestamp, Score, sub.SectionID, sect.SubmitIcon FROM Submissions sub JOIN Groups db2 ON (db2.GroupName = 'Poems and Songs' OR db2.GroupName = 'Poems and Songs' ) INNER JOIN GroupAssoc db3 ON db2.GroupID = db3.GroupID AND db3.ItemID = SubmitID JOIN Sections sect ON sect.SectionID = sub.SectionID AND (sect.Group='Dir' OR sect.Group='poemsDir' ) WHERE `Activated` = '1' ORDER BY Timestamp DESC