Chapter 1 - Page 28: Holy Flying Furniture, Batman!

kenisu - #28
I might have gone a little too dark on the shading here. It makes it difficult to follow the artwork, and it might take away from my little joke in the middle of the page - it's the whole reason why I included the Garfield poster, was for that sight gag. In fact, it wasn't until I had come up with the idea that I realized how similiar the image was to the same scene in Strawberry Tofu's Crying For MOTHER. Sorry about that, Strawberry - I didn't mean it! Anyway, the Garfield poster was one that I had when I was 13 (one of those "Enter At Your Own Risk" ones with bullet holes in the wall behind Garfield), so I thought I'd bring it back for a little joke.

kenisu - #28
I might have gone a little too dark on the shading here. It makes it difficult to follow the artwork, and it might take away from my little joke in the middle of the page - it's the whole reason why I included the Garfield poster, was for that sight gag. In fact, it wasn't until I had come up with the idea that I realized how similiar the image was to the same scene in Strawberry Tofu's Crying For MOTHER. Sorry about that, Strawberry - I didn't mean it! Anyway, the Garfield poster was one that I had when I was 13 (one of those "Enter At Your Own Risk" ones with bullet holes in the wall behind Garfield), so I thought I'd bring it back for a little joke.