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It Hurts Us - by kenisu3000

It Hurts Us

Submission for the Envelope Art part of the 2007 EB Siege.

PERFECT 10! The score will say 1.10, but it's actually 10.

Other Submissions by kenisu3000

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kenisu3000 MOTHER Christmas Theatre: Page 4 (Lucas's Gift)
And here it is: the whole reason I had the idea for this comic in the first place. That image of the severed horse's head at the foot of that one playboy's bed in The Godfather still haunts me, so I decided to make something funny out of it. Originally I was going to put this together with MOTHER 2 characters, with Ness getting the stickhorse and the other Chosen Three getting fed up with his childish ways and taking the hatchet to his precious new toy; but I realized that it would be a liiiittle out-of-character for Ness (I dunno, maybe he'd be Mushroomized?), so I went with Lucas and Claus instead.
3/25/08 0.00
kenisu3000 Paula in the Fourside Sewers
And from that day forward, she became known to friends and family only as Paula "The Skunk" Jones.
12/29/11 0.00
kenisu3000 Confident Ninten
Aaaand this has to be... I think the nineteen-billionth time I've drawn Ninten?
6/7/12 0.00
kenisu3000 Paula
A sketch of Paula.
3/12/09 0.00
kenisu3000 Buzz-Buzz
A Buzz-Buzz drawing done for the Interpretation dealie that Mystic Pyro Freak has set up. That's the Sound Stone he's... umm, levitating (note the sound wavelength spanning the stone's main face), although this was before I became aware that the stone is supposed to look like a rainbow-colored conch shell (a'la the EB Zero Magicant houses or the God's Tail rocks). Big deal, I guess... I've always thought of it as a flat, shale-like stone, so that's how I'm presenting it.
3/12/09 0.00


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