MOTHER Christmas Theatre: Page 3 (Lucas's Gift)

When I drew the horsey-pole (and it wasn't until after I drew this whole thing that I remembered that they're called stickhorses) in panel 3, I realized it looked a whole lot like a shot from a certain semi-annoying YouTube video that I adore, so I threw in that completely unrelated line "We're on a BRIDGE, Charlie!" Hooray for stupid inside jokes in webcomics that only web-savvy people get.

When I drew the horsey-pole (and it wasn't until after I drew this whole thing that I remembered that they're called stickhorses) in panel 3, I realized it looked a whole lot like a shot from a certain semi-annoying YouTube video that I adore, so I threw in that completely unrelated line "We're on a BRIDGE, Charlie!" Hooray for stupid inside jokes in webcomics that only web-savvy people get.