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The Amazing Halloween Candy Fight - by eyes5

The Amazing Halloween Candy Fight

This is my entry for the 2008 Halloween funfest! In a thrilling tale of horror, bravery and candy, a group of Mr. Saturn kids go trick 'o treating, unaware of the creature lurking in the shadows...

Other Submissions by eyes5

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eyes5 Mr. Saturn hat
A hat! Made of fleece.
11/7/07 0.00
Eyes5 Stamps
A metroid, Mr. Saturn, and Starman logo stamp. I made these out of bendable Sculpey.
6/3/10 0.00
eyes5 Snowy Cup Etchings
A set of snowy-themed Mothery cups that I used glass etching to make. The first cup depicts Saturn Valley with a Saturn house that has icicles, a Mr. Saturn and his footprints in the snow, and a ladder. The next one is a scene from Snowcap mountain with a Magypsy house, a rabbit and a white box. Next is Magicant with a snowman, the route to the Sea of Eden, and a carrot. Last is a Winters scene with Stonehenge, Tessie, and the Sky Runner.
1/11/09 9.00
eyes5 My Secret Life, chapter three
An unlikely story.
9/8/08 0.00
eyes5 Are You Ready?
And now for something completely different.

I don't usually like to copy a style stroke for stroke like this, but I learned a lot from replicating and modifying this image from the original Elite Beat Agents artwork. Apologies for teh big; I wanted to minimize the detail lost.
2/14/07 0.00


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