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You're Not Alone - by DragonKazooie89

You're Not Alone

No matter what happens to you or whenever you feel alone, just remember that someone will always be there by your side to guide you. Done for Mother's Day

Other Submissions by DragonKazooie89

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DragonKazooie89 Giegue watches...
Giegue watches in the darkness of the Mothership and the the three kids make their way to the summit of Mt. Itoi. Drawn on Tegaki.
5/20/09 0.00
DragonKazooie89 Paula as Sailor Venus
I got the idea for this after seeing a comment on YouTube in which someone confused Paula with Minako/Mina/Sailor Venus. If you think about it, they do look quite similar.
3/31/09 0.00
DragonKazooie89 Lovely Kiss of Death
I guess this is one lip lock even the Kiss of Death doesn't want!

Done on MS Paint.
4/13/09 0.00
DragonKazooie89 Boomatora, Booster and Booney
I originally started this pic around Halloween last year after completing Boocas and it was only until recently that I finished it up.
4/7/09 0.00
DragonKazooie89 Why am I Doing This?
Inspiration can come from the strangest places...

If you are wondering why he is so high up, Wess is on a stool (not visible in the picture)
12/7/08 0.00


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