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The Apple of Enlightenment (The Devil's Machine) - by HAK2

The Apple of Enlightenment (The Devil's Machine)

I read that the devil's machine was actually the apple of enlightenment. So I took it seriously.

Other Submissions by HAK2

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HAK2 Punk Giygas
I decided to go with the T-shirt companies and make a playah out of a charactah. I just wish I knew the code to see him...
4/20/08 0.00
HAK2 1st giygas battle
i do NOT know right now how to do the guitar section, but i got something here.
my first fan music!
6/27/08 0.00
HAK2 the final piece
i got Mother in the mail a while back! It was the olny one i needed. and now that i beat it, i have no more to beat.... now what?
5/5/09 0.00
HAK2 So, isn't this terrifiying?
I got the Giygas from a freewebs website. as for the text box, I the grab application, made it bigger, and posted it on there. I learned the magic of photo shop while using this.
6/7/08 0.00
I guess funfest submissions don't get automatically put in fan art anymore...

My PAiN iS uNBEARAblE...
my mInD HAs tOrN mE APART.
aRE YOu HAPPy, maRiA?

5/19/10 0.00


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