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Chapter 2 - Page 65: Dark Clouds Swirling Over South Cemetery - by kenisu3000

Chapter 2 - Page 65: Dark Clouds Swirling Over South Cemetery

kenisu - #65
Chapter 2 will be sort of like my Halloween Funfest comic from 2007, except with a more fleshed-out story and plenty of "deleted scenes" in between - not to mention, of course, colored pages and a different ending.
The sarcophagus in the middle of the first panel was based on one I saw while at college. Just outside of my dorm building, visible from the windows on the north side, was a large cemetery (I wonder if that says anything about the quality of life in those dorms?), and as I was walking past it one day, I noticed an enormous headstone with this incredibly somber-looking statue, so when I illustrated my Halloween comic, I decided to go down into the cemetery with my art supplies, and add that and a few other gravestones in for touch.
Pippi's late father's name is Marlon for a number of reasons. For one, I'm not too great with naming characters, and I tend to let my mind go into "roulette mode" until it lands on a name I think would fit. Fortunately, the name Marlon wound up fitting almost bizzarely perfectly in the grand scheme of things. You'll see what I'm talking about toward the end of the chapter. Also, it's kind of funny when you realize I fan-named his wife Marilyn. Marlon and Marilyn... it's like I did that on purpose.
Finally, I just have to draw attention to the lizard. I'm not sure if this is the sort of habitat one would find a lizard in, but I think it was the MOTHER Encyclopedia, once again, that gave me the idea to have Pippi get herself lost while chasing one

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kenisu3000 Chapter 1 - Page 53: Sounds Like Psychokinesis
kenisu - #53
Sometimes I feel a little awkward when I write characters doing, with ease, something I have immense difficulty with in real life. In this case, it's having a phone conversation. I have (just the image of being handed the receiver makes me shudder), and speaking to members of my own family is still no exception. Yeah, I know, I'm a psychiatrist's dream patient.
On another note, I knew this page and the next few were going to come out looking one-sided, even while I was doing the sketches for them a good year and a half ago, because we hear (well, read) both ends of the phone line, but only see Ninten's side. So I tried my best to make the visuals the least bit boring as possible without distracting from the dialogue, by making Ninten fidget and make an occasional face. And there's also going to be some visual flashbacks coming up, so Ninten won't have to be in every single frame.
4/5/09 0.00
kenisu3000 Chapter 1 - Page 36: Kreepy Kewpie and the Son of Lampy
kenisu - #36
...I honestly don't have anything to say here. I suppose this is one of those "in-betweener" pages.
5/12/07 0.00
kenisu3000 Chapter 2 - Page 82: Emergency
kenisu - #82
There's something about that river, and the trees beyond it, that make me wish I could live there.
5/17/10 0.00
kenisu3000 Prologue - Page 12: Penetrating an Impenetrable Wall
kenisu - #12
I wanted this scene to be extrememly tense. Hopefully I communicated that well.
10/29/06 0.00
kenisu3000 Prologue - Page 13: George in Desperation
kenisu - #13
I love that first panel on the bottom row. George is sitting on the bed staring at his feet like a naughty little boy and Suzannah and James are like his parents scolding him :)
10/29/06 0.00


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