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On the Loose - by Kine

On the Loose

Can this ugly red demon-like chimera be stopped?

PERFECT 10! The score will say 1.10, but it's actually 10.

Other Submissions by Kine

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Kine Yoshi-Koshi
Why not?
3/28/07 0.00
Kine The Snowman of Snowman
I'll be honest. I hate being confined into frames. It's no wonder I stopped using them (those that you see were added with Photoshop). Page size inconsistancy abound too. They'd never let me put comics in a newspaper, I'm pretty sure.
1/14/07 0.00
Kine Seaside Cliff
This lacks any real description, but as Itoi would say, have fun imagining things!
7/3/06 0.00
Kine Pokey Minch
EarthBound art? Highly unorthodox! Regardless, you gotta love the fat kid. You love him because you hate him. Or because you wanna be rich and powerful like him.
7/23/06 9.00
Kine Pippi
I've always liked Pippi. She's a powerful young lass.
5/1/06 8.40


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